Welcome To My Scratch Review

By Don Parker

Scratch is an animation program that allows you to make comic strips games and movies. During my time working with scratch I had a complicated but fun time making my scripts come to life. My first review will be on the moving letters. The moving letters was by far the easiest scratch program that I had to do throughout the whole entire program. The moving letters had simple codes such as (move 10 steps turn 15 degrees point in direction 90 go to x 83 y39.) Changing the background was very fun because it made my letters look like they were bouncing off of water.

Moving letters

My review on making a scratch game with my group is not very pleasant. Making a game with my group was frustrating, nerve racking and unorganized. In the making of this Scratch game it was no communication what so ever which made it very confusing and stressful. I didn’t enjoy this project at all. At the end it came together and we got a B-.


Group Game

My next review will be on the Movie scratch. This scratch took the longest out of all my scratches, but I actually enjoyed making this scratch. The music scratch had custom background music which made my scratch interesting and come to life. This scratch required a lot of commands such as (when clicked, switch costume, play sound, wait ...secs, stop all sounds and etc. This scratch consisted of 4 sprites and was inspired by an opera music theme.

Music scratch

My final review will be on my solo game on scratch. The game that I had to make on scratch was very hard because I had to try to make everything flow together to make it seem like a real game. I had to use codes such as ( when clicked,setscore,show,forever if touching dragon change score by 2, play sound and hide.) This game was also one of the longest and hardest games that I had to do. Overall scratch is a pretty good program. 4 stars ****

Solo Game




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